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Scott Adams The Dilbert Principle Download Firefox

It’s the one comic strip that can make me laugh every time I read it. It’s filled with biting sarcasm about the downfall of the corporate world and a sardonic perspective about life in the world of office cubicles. Of course, I’m talking about the bespectacled cartoon character all geeks around the world love – Dilbert.

  1. Scott Adams The Dilbert Principle Download Firefox Free
  2. Dilbert Management Principles

I am not ashamed to admit I’m an avid Dilbert cartoon fan. Whenever I get off the phone, frustrated with HR’s lack of cooperation regarding the company sponsored insurance plan, or every time I walk out of an especially meaningless and pointless meeting, I pop open a few Dilbert comics on my browser or mobile phone, and I feel much better.

Scott Adams The Dilbert Principle Download Firefox Free

I’m not sure what it is about Dilbert that makes those of us who suffer through cubicle life feel better. Maybe it’s because it helps us to realize that even though we grudgingly agree to the new idiotic buzz-words passed down from management, and even though we allow ourselves to take part in moronic meeting discussions – we can know that we are not alone. Someone out there understands – and that someone is Dilbert. In honor of the man who brings me out of my cubicle depression each day, I would like to offer 6 of the best sites for Dilbert cartoon comic fans.

Scott Adams, The Dilbert Principle. According to Scott Adams, the workplace used to follow the Peter Principle in the 1980s. However, lately, the Peter Principle has given way to the Dilbert Principle. Under the Peter Principle managers make bad decisions, but they are at least informed decisions made from years of experience. The Dilbert principle is a concept in management developed by Scott Adams, creator of the comic strip Dilbert, which states that companies tend to systematically promote incompetent employees to management to get them out of the workflow. The Dilbert principle is inspired by the Peter principle, which holds that employees are promoted based on success in their current position until they reach.

First Stop –

Anyone who follows the Dilbert cartoon comic strip likely already knows that the premier spot on the Internet for Dilbert fans is obviously MakeUseOf has highlighted this site for its use of Twitter, and the site feature where you can attempt to mash your own Dilbert cartoon stripDilbert: Create your Dilbert Comic StripsDilbert: Create your Dilbert Comic StripsRead More. The site offers the popular section that offers the Dilbert strip, the user mashup section and even an animated Dilbert clip. My favorite part of the site is actually Scott Adam’s blog.

His updates are sometimes witty, as you would expect, but he also dives into his own personal career decisions as well as political commentary. It’s a fun read and I encourage any die-hard Dilbert fan out there to follow along with the creator’s blog.

Dilbert Management Principles

Dilbert Doodles

It’s a one-page section of Google Doodles that Saikat mentioned before10 Little Known Google Pages Worth a Second Look10 Little Known Google Pages Worth a Second LookThe single box no frills interface of Google hides a labyrinth of sideshows that we hardly come across.Read More, but it’s worth mentioning again. Dilbert Doodles were a series of Dilbert cartoon strips created exclusively for Google.

From Monday through Friday, Google updated the Doodle to reflect the Dilbert office crew trying to come up with the new Google logo. On Friday, the logo itself was the punchline. This series of Google Doodles are obvious collectors items for Dilbert fans.

Ringtales – The Animated Dilbert Podcast

While the comic strip is hilarious, the Dilbert animated cartoon is just as funny. At Ringtales, the collection of free Dilbert podcasts at this site is addictive – I couldn’t stop clicking through them!

Do you want to display the 5-day-a-week Dilbert cartoon podcasts on your own blog? Just click on the Widget menu at the top of the website and you can embed the video on your own website.

Embed the video clips in your blog, myspace page, on Facebook or anywhere else you want to share the wit of Dilbert with all of your friends.

Computer Weekly – Dilbert of the Day

Every day, in addition to checking out my favorite tech blog RSS feeds, I also take a look at the latest articles on Computer Weekly. The online version is where I get my latest fix for computer news. One of my favorite pages that I check out every day is Computer Weekly’s “Dilbert of the Day” comic strip.


You can certainly get your Dilbert fix from – but if you’re looking to add as much Dilbert as possible to your daily life, this is yet another source to get a great daily fix from one of the premier online computer magazines on the net.

Mozilla Firefox Dilbert Add-on

Of course, if you want to receive your daily comic fix without having to browse to a particular web page, you can add the Dilbert Firefox Add-on. This is a free add-on that adds a small button to your status bar. When you click on it, up pops the strip of the day.

Installation is as easy as clicking and in a few moments and a few more clicks you’ll have Dilbert as part of your Firefox installation – what more could a geek ask for?

Track Your Dilbert Reading With Library Thing

LibraryThing is a very cool organizational website that Aibek covered> back when it was in Beta. Now, it’s alive and well – and it features its own Dibert section where you can check out a collection of covers from the various comics, or add the titles of the various Scott Adams books you own to your personal Library collection.

This is a lot of fun to browse, and there’s even a section of LibraryThing for communities and groups. As of this writing, there’s no Dilbert group – so why don’t you start one?

Do you have any other fun Dilbert resources for MUO readers who are fans? Share them in the comments section below!

Explore more about: Comics, Mozilla Firefox.

  1. Driver andromax u dual core. The is definitely worth its salt. It has got amazing features to try out. Its Good to know about Dilbert Doodles but I mostly enjoy is scripts.

  2. Waiting for similar resources for 'Calvin and Hobbes'