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Parallel To Serial Conversion Simulink Models

Parallel To Serial Conversion Simulink Tutorial. 6/2/2017 0 Comments UDP Unicast and Multicast Streaming Video using the Beaglebone Black. In a previous post, I described how you could set up the Beaglebone Black to capture video and process video using Open. CV with the Logitech C9.

Active6 years, 6 months ago

I want to design a simple communication channel in MATLAB/Simulink.

The quantizer block outputs the integer type, which I have converted int to binary by integer to binary block. my problem:Say, input of int to binary block is N*1. Its output is N*M, where M is the number of bits used to represent every integer value. By which block can i convert the output of the size N*M to a NM*1 serial stream?

p.s: 1-I haven't the Xilinx library installed. Cheeers

Morteza RajabzadehMorteza Rajabzadeh

2 Answers

According to the ADC system below this system converts analog samples to 3 bits each and sends them in 1X3 matrix (parallal transmission) How to convert the transmission to serial transmission.

Sonic core scope v5 keygen generator. Sonic Core Scope V5 Keygen Generator Mac. Vocoder can be used from 4 to 1. There is a frequency- dependent compressor. Parameters used for the modulation step sequencer, envelope follower, LFO (synchronized to the tempo). Can display the spectra of the input and output signals. SCOPE XITE-1 is a DSP hardware that is controlled by the SCOPE software via a computer. According to its flexible concept, XITE-1 can be configured like your favored digital production studio. As a sound engine, XITE-1 is a variety of vintage and new innovative synthesizers at the same time.


Try the Reshape block present in Library Simulink->Math Operations.


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Active8 years, 2 months ago

I am trying to convert the input word coming out of the DQPSK Demodulator (Type : UFix2_0) to a serial stream.

So I am using the Parallel-to-Serial Block of Xilinx Library in Simulink.

But I am not able to use the block, I get the following error :

'The Simulink system period' setting on this System Generator token is not appropriate for the rates used in the design.

The current setting is: 1 An appropriate setting is: 1/2 '

I tried to change the setting the System Generator as well, but It does not seem to work as well.

Any idea where I might be going wrong. Any other approach would be helpful as well.


Martin Thompson
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1 Answer

Search for 'simulink system period' in the Xilinx Sysgen documentation

The getting started guide (1) shows how to calculate the simulink system periods in a system with multiple rates (which you get by using the parallel to serial block). Basically the simulink system period is the greatest common denominator of the sample periods that appear in the model. It looks like you have a conflict between how the system period is set and the periods before and after your rate changing block (parallel to serial).

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